darktable 4.8.1 released


String freeze for 0.9.3

String freeze for 0.9.3

We are in string freeze for the master branch now. This means that only tiny bugfixes can be accepted, which don’t change any strings, to make sure they don’t break translations.

That should lead us to another stable point release, 0.9.3, hopefully in a week or two.

darktable book draft v0.6 available

darktable book draft v0.6 available

we released draft 0.6 of the book darktable. this is meant to be a comprehensive guide to the use of darktable for the most common development workflows. this is a book for beginners who do not want just to know how to develop an image, but looking for more information on digital photography and how it applies to …

admin stuff

admin stuff

darktable moved from svn to git. get it from git://darktable.git.sf.net/gitroot/darktable/darktable. the svn repository is still around, but i will probably remove it in the next couple of weeks. we also have nicer forums now.