How do I ... in darktable 5.0?


Second release candidate dt1.0~rc2

Second release candidate dt1.0~rc2

Our second release candidate is out! We have had a couple of tiny bugfixes, better translations, new rawspeed (brings support for the new Canon 5D Mark3), and slight consistency fixes in the GUI since rc1.

You can get the tarball from here: …

Upcoming features: Conditional Blending

Upcoming features: Conditional Blending

or “If one slider is not enough”

Diligent readers of our small blog series are already aware of the blending feature that darktable offers as part of many modules. Instead of just handing over their result to the subsequent module in pixelpipe, “blending modules” take a moment to reconsider. Based on …

darktable and OpenCL (updated)

darktable and OpenCL (updated)

Many readers will have already heard about GPU processing and the fact that darktable can make use of OpenCL to improve performance. As we still lack a detailed documentation of that topic, please find here a few explanations and howtos.

The Background

Processing high resolution images belongs to the more …

bauhaus widgets

bauhaus widgets

disclaimer: this is only to tease you and will not make it into the next release, but the one after …

when reading gui-guidelines, most of them seem to be too general, or too specific for a certain kind of programming environment (gnome and gtk, qt, etc).

for our purposes, i found the fundamental principles …

String freeze for darktable 1.0

String freeze for darktable 1.0

We are in string freeze for the master branch now. Translators might now update their translations for the upcoming release of

darktable 1.0

There will be tons of new features, stay tuned!

If you’re willing to help getting this out of the door soon you might want to install the development version and help …

Shadow recovery revisited

Shadow recovery revisited

One of the remaining shortcomings of digital cameras is their rather low dynamic range in comparison to analog – especially black-and-white – film. Scenes with strong differences between highlights and shadows are very difficult to capture. Even if they are exposed properly with no blown-out highlights they will …

Using lowpass filter to recover shadows

Using lowpass filter to recover shadows

Outdoor photographers are often confronted with unfavorable light conditions. This often entails too high contrast. Two of the most frequent consequences are blown highlights and deep shadows in your digital images. Overexposed highlights are challenging to repair in digital post post-processing, still darktable …

Mastering color with Lab tone curves

Mastering color with Lab tone curves

or “How to bring the jungle back”

Since its early beginnings darktable has a tone curve module that is able to alter the gray level distribution of an image. Recently we did an enhancement: tone curve is now able to control the full Lab color space with separate curves for the L, a and b channel. People who are …

why you want raw

why you want raw

or: how to rescue your shot after the fact.

also: how to use color zones for black and white.

sometimes i’m surprised by what kind of data is hidden in my raw images, and i want to pass this on to those of our users who happily take pictures in jpg. actually it’s just a short story about a typical …