How do I ... in darktable 5.0?




People following the development of darktable might have heard that we added a grouping feature. Everyone who hasn’t heard of that yet: We added a grouping feature.

Now that everybody knows about it I should try to explain what it actually is and how it works/how to use it. For the technical specification …

edge aware image development

edge aware image development

in an ideal world, an image is piecewise smooth. it has soft gradients, some detail and edges. in particular there’s no noise and the edges are sharp. given these assumptions, you can do a lot of cool things to your pictures, using techniques like frequency space editing, wavelets, or local histograms. …

Bringing current darktable to OS X

Bringing current darktable to OS X

darktable has been software of my choice for raw photo development for quite some time now, I’ve occasionally submitted bug reports and patches and kept an eye on current development by using git master version. My main operating system is Linux, which is the priority target of darktable support, but …

Some enhancements to conditional blending

Some enhancements to conditional blending

Conditional blending, also known as “blend if”, is a feature which is currently under development in our master branch. A general description of the idea together with some examples can be found here. In short, conditional blending allows you to limit the effect of a module to certain pixels of an …

magenta highlights

magenta highlights

false color highlights seem to be an issue frequently, so here’s some quick faq about it. alexandre, please excuse all the outward references ;)

why are my highlights magenta?

that’s how the sensor works. it collects a couple of photons, at some point it fills up and rejects to deliver any more useful …

Exporting images on the command line

Exporting images on the command line

Recent builds from git will bring you a new executable, “darktable-cli”. With this tool you can export images using the processing power of darktable on the command line.

The simplest way to call the utility is

darktable-cli <input> <output>

This will take the input image, look for the XMP file …

darktable 1.0.4 released

darktable 1.0.4 released

Pascal was so kind to tend to a stable branch, the next incarnation of which we have the good fortune to announce.

The changes over darktable 1.0.3 are:

  • More robust OpenMP compiler detection code

  • New warming/cooling filter presets for color correction plugin

  • Lighttable thumbnails should be slightly faster …